Animal antics brilliant board game

Animal antics brilliant board game

Animal antics brilliant board game
We are huge board game lovers in our house and I can't wait until our little man is a bit older so we can play as a family. I have so many happy memories of playing various board games as a kid, from Mousetrap to Guess Who, to Game of Life to Monopoly and Go For Broke. It was always our go-to most days and weekends.
So I wanted to create a simple little one for your little ones to enjoy at home! All you need to do is print out the 2 page PDF and you're pretty much set to go.
Things you might need:
• scissors
• coins or buttons to use as counters instead of our paper ones
• 1 x dice - or make the one using the template provided
• 2 or more players

click here to download the game


board game template board game dice and counters

Print off both pages of the PDF


game counters and dice  paper dice

Cut out the counters if you're not using your own and make up the dice into a 3D cube


playing a board game playing a board game rolling a dice

downloadable board game print out

Gather some friends and have fun playing the game! 
Don't forget to share!
We'd really love to see you happily playing so do send us your photos at or tag them on any social media platform with the hashtag #thebwbproject

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