FREE black and white flash cards download
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I am really passionate about our sets of black and white baby flash cards. Here's why.
When I was a new Mum, I was acutely aware that I *should* be interacting with my baby as much as possible, stimulating his development and his senses, soothing him with my voice and touch. But I was also absolutely broken. Nothing is harder than trying to play with a new born baby, or any baby actually, when you're existing on a few hours sleep per night and feel like a shell of your former self.
So there were all these things I had read I *should* be doing yet I was so brain dead and vacant at that time I hadn't a clue where to start. So I felt a bit useless and that I wasn't doing my best for my baby boy. I mean it wasn't true at all, he had everything he needed and all the love in the world. But that didn't stop me from feeling like I was failing him because I wasn't constantly rotating activities or doing enough tummy time or hitting those nap times on the dot.
What was to be done?
Out of all of this I thought 'wouldn't it be lovely to have some sort of tool that I could use to interact with him that I didn't have to think about...but was actually interesting, engaging for him and not an assault on my very tired eyes?'
And so the interactive black and white flash cards were born, ta daaa! More than a picture book, each of these 12 animal flash cards have the picture on the front but also at least two animal facts on the back as well as an action or question suitable for older children.
When you have no idea how to string a sentence together, you can hold these up for your baby to focus on whilst you read the info on the back of the card. You can also use our contrast cards for babies to help distract from tummy time, help with a wriggle monster who won't stay still during nappy time or to grab that shower whilst they lie mesmerised in their cot with the animals for company.
Beyond the baby years
But I didn't want the usefulness to stop there. As well as being great for newborn baby development, and your new frazzled mum/dad brain, I wanted them to last longer than the average baby toy. So by adding the action or question it means older children can find enjoyment too thinking of all the similarities and differences between us and our animal friends. So more than baby development flash cards, they are animal fact cards for kids!

I've found as my own son has grown up, he's now 3, he loves learning the facts and showing off what he already knows about each of the animals. He comes back to them time and time again, interacting in different ways but still loving the animals that star in each box.
I hope you can tell how passionate I am about this parenting tool. But I realise that it's something a bit different so there's a job to do in sharing just how useful they can be!
But don't just take my word for it
I want to give you a FREE black and white baby flash cards download and to try at home. In this free animal picture cards printable there is a sample from each of our 5 sets and all you have to do is print out the 5 pages, cut them out, fold and stick the two sides together to make a double-sided cards and voila! Have a go and see how many uses you can find for them around the house and out and about. My hope is you will see just how great they are and pass it on to other parents who might like them too.
Click here to download your flash cards now
And if you think 'mmm I'd quite like to buy a set' I'd love to offer you a little discount off your first purchase of early learning flash cards. There's 5 sets to choose from; Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, Great Britain and Oceans and all you have to do is use the code ILOVEFLASHCARDS at the checkout for a whopping 25% off!**
If you're searching online for how to use flash cards baby (as I have seen so many of you are in my search research) I've also created a handy little infographic to highlight some of the uses we've found to date but the list really is endless.
Click here to enlarge the image or download
We would love to hear how you've used them in everyday life so please do share and tag us on social media and use #thebwbproject so we can find the post. Word of mouth is so important for small businesses like ours and showing others how great our products work is worth it's weight in gold.
Click here to download your flash cards now
*Discount is off one set of flash cards rrp £14.50. One use of code per customer.
**UPDATE** you can get another set of FREE black and white baby high contrast flash cards in this new post here!!