T-shirts now available with Teemill!

T-shirts now available with Teemill!

T-shirts now available with Teemill!

We are SUPER excited to announce that we are now creating t-shirts for kids and grown ups via our Teemill store front.

We love Teemill and all they stand for, in line with our own attitudes and ethics towards sustainable and fast fashion. Incredibly you can follow your t-shirt from seed to shop, through organic farming, clean processing to manufacture using only renewable energy. They 'real-time' print to order so there's no wastage on unwanted stock sitting around collecting dust. And there's so much more. 

Find out about the how they make theirs (and now ours!) tees here https://teemill.com/the-journey/


So, how does it work with our designs you ask?

So we have designed some t-shirts for adults and kids. We've uploaded them, chosen some colours we think are a good fit and launched our Teemill store. The rest is up to you! You simply order direct from our Teemill URL and Teemill will do the rest. It's a pretty quick turn around of just a few days. 

At the moment we have maxed out our allowance on the platform for different designs. So we will be mixing things up over the coming months to see what's popular and what's not. So if you have any favourite animals you'd love to see then let us know! And we'll always give you a few days heads-up before we remove any of the designs just in case you want to grab one at the last minute.

Why are you doing this and not just manufacturing some of your own?

Well, for starters, it's expensive! And I have to store the stock which is already up to our ears around the house. But joking aside, we think this is a fantastic, low risk way of testing out some ideas with a brilliant manufacturer on an easy to use platform in order to bring you, our lovely customers, a bit of something extra to the core range.

Who knows, if things go well maybe we will do our own print run, but to get to Teemill standards it would take a ton of investment, time and research.

Quality over quantity

We've already ordered some samples so we know the quality of both the fabric and the printing is probably some of the best you will see and feel. The only (small) downside is that sizes start at 3-4 yrs so nothing yet for the real littlies, but hopefully in the future!

Click here to shop NOW


boy in sun bear t-shirt boy in sun bear t-shirt . boy in sun bear t-shirt

- Our very own little model proudly showing off his sun bear tee. Age 2.5yrs - 

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