Tops and tails make your own stand up animal characters for free

Tops and tails make your own stand up animal characters for free

Tops and tails make your own stand up animal characters for free

Make these super easy characters your toddler can play with using an old toilet roll and a free print out. 

Get your free download here 

Tops and tails free download

What you need 

• Print out
• Scissors
• Tape or glue
• A toilet roll tube 

What you do


monochrome animal illustrations with scissors and tape and glue  panda illustration with scissors

Print off the free download and cut around the heads and tails following the dotted line. 

Cutting a toilet roll tube into 3 pieces close up  Craft activity showing 3 pieces of cardboard tube and a panda illustration

Take a toilet roll tube and cut into 3 equal pieces (doesn’t need to be accurate)

Scarp paper in a hand  Scrunched up scrap paper in a hand  scrap paper squashed into a cardboard tube  Scrunched up paper in a cardboard tube with double sided tape on it

Squish and stuff the scrap paper into one piece of tube until it is packed out. Then you can add tape or glue to the squashed paper. 

Sticking cardboard tube to back of animal illustration  Showing the back end of a panda stuck to a cardboard tube

Stick one end of the animal on each side of the tube. You can skip the squashed paper if you like and just use tape on the outside of the tube if that’s easier. 

Sticking the head of a panda illustration to the end of a cardboard tube  Illustration of the headand tail of a panda stuck to a cardboard tube so it can stand up by itself

Your animal should now stand up! 
Repeat with all 3 designs for your own set of characters. 

Panda, jaguar and hippo paper craft models for kids

Don’t forget to share and tag us @the_wildscoop 



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