E-book download

E-book download

E-book download

Our free ebook has a mix of lots of animals from around the world. In fact it is called Awesome Animals from All Over!

A great little tool to have on your phone or tablet on the go and out and about. I don't advocate lots of screen time in young children, but as a parent myself I am also a realist (and a survivalist!) and we all know there are times when our screens quite literally save the day!

I also believe in selecting the right type of content so rather than just more episodes of Hey Dugee...not that you can ever have too many in my opinion...this is a little something quieter and calmer your little ones might like!

You could even print them out and go old-skool with paper versions to place around a play mat or nursery.

I always love to hear how you've used them and if they've ever gotten you out of a tough spot so don't forget to tag us #thebwbproject and follow us on social.

Download for tablet here


Download for mobile here


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