Make your own Flutterby butterflies

Make your own Flutterby butterflies

Make your own Flutterby butterflies
Does your little one love butterflies? We always get excited when we spot them outside and try and work out what they might be. They are so beautiful and delicate, a butterfly is definitely a very unique insect.
So in celebration of butterflies and their beautiful colours we have a simple little make for you.
paper butterflies
What you need
• A print out of the template
• Scissors
• 2 blobs of bluetack or plasticine
• 2 sticks - from the garden is great!

 Click here to download the template




Here's what to do

butterfly materials  paper butterflies  coloured in butterflies

Print out the template, cut out the butterflies and colour them in.
(You can colour first and then cut if that's easier!)


folded butterflies 

Fold each one in half and press down along the fold.


plasticine  plasticine on stick  plasticine groove

Take a blob of plasticine or bluetack and the stick you found - side note, you could have fun searching for just the 'right' sticks for this activity! Put the plasticine on the end and make a groove in the top.


folded butterfly on stick 

Place the fold of the butterfly into the groove and press the plasticine together to attach the two items firmly.


 open wings of paper butterfly  paper butterfly  2 paper butterflies

Gently open the wings of the butterfly and you're ready to fly! Repeat with the other butterfly and stick to make 2. Move the stick up and down and your butterfly should flap it's wings.


paper butterflies

 Here's a short video to walk you through it.



We've made a little butterfly bonus for this activity. Here's an extra colouring sheet with LOTS of butterflies for you to colour. You can leave them as they are or cut them all out. Why not decorate your windows with them or stick them on the fridge. I am sure you can think of lots of fun ideas to help add a bit of colour to your home.

lots of butterflies

Click here to download



Don't forget to share!
We'd really love to see you happily playing so do send us your photos at or tag them on any social media platform with the hashtag #thebwbproject


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