How it all began

How it all began

How it all began
Back in 2016 when I was pregnant, I learned about the benefits of black and white images for new born's visual development.⁣⠀
I was totally underwhelmed by the books that were available so I decided to create my own illustrations, just for him. After sharing them with a few friends it was obvious there was a gap in the market for some high quality content of this kind so I decided to start publishing my own books.⁣⠀

Distraction and purpose

Looking back now I realise how much I needed the business to distract me from those early days of feeling lost in the new world of motherhood. I had changed from wearing many hats in my everyday life to just the one - as this tiny little human was relying on me for everything. It was a tough transition I certainly wasn’t ready for, I was lonely, frustrated, bored, tired and scared. 

In those early days of babyhood and business my escape would  be to work on my laptop as my baby slept in a sling attached to me. He hated to be put down and struggled to fall asleep for naps so having him close to me, bouncing on a yoga ball listening to white noise…it really was my work that kept me sane I think! We didn’t have the luxury of long walks as we lived in hot and humid Singapore where having a baby in a carrier for long periods outside just wasn’t an option. So we were stuck under the fan or in air con indoors and I needed a release.
me and my little boy

Small beginnings…in more ways than one

So I guess you could say the business grew from there! It now a place I can channel my love for animals and conservation as well as helping parents to feel like they are giving their baby the best start in life (without having to look at the usual ugly baby stuff)⁣⠀
Without our little bundle coming along when he did I probably would never have founded The Little Black & White Book Project, for all the reasons listed above. He was both the inspiration by helping me identify a gap in the market I wouldn’t otherwise have stumbled across, and the fuel to find something for myself that I could work on whilst being a mum. Without him, I'd still be a graphic designer working in an ad agency somewhere no doubt.⁣ Which wouldn’t be making me happy.⠀
All in all, I am pretty pleased with the way it all turned out, as unexpected as it was. As they say necessity is the mother of invention and finding my business niche was certainly born out of ours.

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