Small business shout out

Small business shout out

Small business shout out
Now more than ever small businesses need as much visibility than ever! So this is a series of short (and I mean short) interviews to give you a little insight into one of our partner-sellers. Please support them with a follow, a like, a comment, a share or a purchase.
Spotlight on... The Giggly Goat - Craft shop and Gallery
The Giggly Goat (click to visit!) by Helen Fisher

Who is in your team?

Our team is made up of Helen - the Business Owner, and Lyn and Doug who are both part time. As a small business it is so important that we all give off a similar energy to our customers - we are part of their shopping experience! Doug and Lyn are great additions to my business and I feel very lucky to have found them.

Where are you based?
We're based in the historical Lanes in Norwich, Norfolk. An area which is bursting with great small independent businesses! 

What makes the brand you’ve created unique?
Our space is in an old building. We have made it light and bright, bursting with colour and creativity. We want people to feel inspired when they visit us - inspired to try a new craft, to buy a gift for someone or treat themselves to a beautiful handmade product. The space is made up of three small rooms that link together with dividing walls that have cut out windows, letting in light and creating interesting display areas.  

What type of products do you sell?
We specialise in selling UK handmade products - everything from ceramics to jewellery, greetings cards to glassware, original paintings to garden sculpture. And much more; with over 90 makers in our collection! 
If you had to pick one product to sell forever what would it be?
I have favourites within each of our collections but picking only one product would be really tough! I love the mixture of products that we sell. Although they are made by so many different people - the space comes together through an ongoing theme of the natural world and wildlife. I guess my answer could be that I want to sell beautiful handmade Uk made products forever! 

What’s the best part of your day?
I'm a morning Lark (mostly!) and so I love my morning routine of getting active with a walk or a workout - something to get the endorphins going and start my day positively. There are so many amazing podcasts out there now so a walk with a podcast is always good for my soul.

What’s your favourite animal?
Giraffes - I love their patterning and long eyelashes! I'm lucky enough to have a collection of handmade ceramics made by my Mum with giraffes on. I have my porridge in my Giraffe bowl every day! My Mum owns our partner shop The Hare and The Hen in North Norfolk.

What would be your dream travel destination (when we’re all allowed out!)

I would love to return to New Zealand which is where my now husband and I got engaged. There is so much to see there and it is such beautiful landscapes. It's also where my sister lives now and I would love to go to her favourite places together.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 

The best piece of advice I've ever been given is to believe in myself, trust in myself, and ask for help when I need it. Also to 'relax into a structure' is a favourite family saying!   

 Giggly goat  Giggly goat  The Giggly Goat  Helen Fisher
 Helen and I met after the Top Drawer Gift show in London and I am thrilled you can find some of our books in her store.
The Giggly Goat logo
The Giggly Goat (click to visit!) 

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