Small business shout out

Small business shout out

Small business shout out
Now more than ever small businesses need as much visibility than ever! So this is a series of short (and I mean short) interviews to give you a little insight into one of our partner-sellers. Please support them with a follow, a like, a comment, a share or a purchase.

spotlight on...Frankly Store

 Frankly Store (click to visit!) by Helen Symonds

Who is in your team?

Me. The cat - Ella and as of today  two children - Rosa 6 & Frank 4

Where are you based? South Bristol

What makes the brand you’ve created unique? With Frankly I want to make ethical shopping available to all. All the brands I work with have a story to tell that takes them beyond the ordinary. By telling the tales behind the brands the products become more than just objects, they become loved. All the brands give back in someway - to  people, to planet or to wildlife.

What type of products do you sell? The focus is on gifting - whether self-gift or for someone else! Products range from kids, to homewares, bath & body to accessories. All products are ethically produced & give-back in some way.

If you had to pick one product to sell forever what would it be? I think Jewellery will always be my first love. There are so many great brands & small producers out there. Jewellery is great product from small producers as the start-up costs are relatively small, the making & selling of jewellery really can change lives.

What’s the best part of your day? This is hard as I pretty much love everything about my job! I really love going to trade shows & finding new brands online. It’s brilliant meeting amazing people who are breaking the mould & doing things differently. I also just love being in my little sunny office, radio on, surrounded by product! This is even more true right now - day one of home schooling & its my two hours to work while my husband tackles Literacy & Maths with the kiddos.

What’s your favourite animal? The cat is currently staring at me expectantly so I should say cat….. Ella the cat  is amazing, she is more like a dog to be honest, but not all are so good….. I’m not sure I have a favourite, all the furry ones - dogs, horses, rabbits…..

What would be your dream travel destination (when we’re all allowed out!)

For a family holiday - a greek island - long lazy lunches, lots of feta. For a weekend break - NYC - shopping, eating, drinking. Next big one on my list is Sri Lanka. Although to be honest at the moment I would be so thankful for a weekend in our caravan in Cornwall!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 

My first job out of uni was a Buying Assistant at New Look. It was a very pressured environment with lots of tears around each day. One of my bosses favourite phrases when  things got stressful was ‘it's just a load of silly old hats’. I can’t tell you how many times I have said a version of that over my years in retail when faced with upset team members. Mainly I have changed it to ‘it’s just shopping’. It’s good to care but in fast paced retail environments it is easy to lose perspective.

 Helen and I met after the Top Drawer Gift show in London and I am thrilled you can find a range of our products in her online store.
Helen from Frankly Store  Frankly store jewellery   Helen from Frankly
 Frankly logo
   Frankly Store (click to visit!)

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