Swap Black Friday for Green Friday and help us plant some trees

Swap Black Friday for Green Friday and help us plant some trees

Swap Black Friday for Green Friday and help us plant some trees
 Thanks to all of our wonderful customers we were able to planet 65 critically endangered Candelabra trees in Brazil with Tree Nation!!
We don't take part in Black Friday. In all honesty we don't believe in the fast consumerism it promotes and as a small business we just can't compete. That is why we decided on our '10 days of gifting' campaign at the start of November to offer a little something different.
However...our lovely friends at Bean&Fox shared that they will be using Tree Nation to plant a tree for every order they receive this Black Friday instead and we thought how brilliant!
So we will be joining them in this pledge to make Black Friday a bit more green and we will be planting a tree for every book purchased between the 17th and 30th of November. So if you order a set of 3 books, we will plant 3 trees!
Lets see how many trees we can plant together and give mother nature a collective hug. 
green Friday tree planting promotion

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