Animal charades game

Animal charades game

Animal charades game
How are your animal instincts? Can you bounce like a kangaroo? Watch like a meerkat? Roar like a lion? Or Squeak like a dolphin?
Well, now is your chance to put those acting skills to the test with our simple animal charades dice.
All you need to do is print the template, cut out and stick the dice and you're ready to play.
Don't worry if you don't know all of the characteristics of the animals, it's fun to learn about how they behave in their natural environment too. So have a read below for some tips on what they get up to in the wild.  

Click here to download the dice templates


dice template print outs

Print out the templates full A4 page size.
cu out dice template  cut out dice template
Cut around the edges, fold along the side of each cube and stick together using the tabs.
lion on dice  frog on dice
Repeat with the other dice and you're ready to roll...quite literally. 
To play, simply roll both dice together and follow what they say. If you roll a 'freestyle' square you can pretend to be the animal in any way you'd like.
The aim of the game? Have lots of fun and laughs getting active with some of our furry and scaly friends!
Tip: If you have a smart speaker (Alexa or similar) ask 'what does a [insert animal name] sound like' and you will get an audio clip!

Below are some tips on how to tap into your inner beasts!

Eats : Raw meat. Lions have very powerful jaws and they rip through the hides of animals they have caught with no effort at all.
Sleeps: Lions sleep during the day mostly and hunt at night. They sleep with the pride and often like to snuggle up!
Moves: Lions walk on their toes to make the least sound possible. They stalk their prey (creeping low to the ground) and can only run for short bursts at a time.
Talks: We all know what a lion's roar sounds like...don't we?!


Eats : Kangaroos are herbivores living off leaves, seeds, flowers and vegetation.
Sleeps: Kangaroos actually lie down to sleep a bit like humans!
Moves: They bounce along on their extremely powerful back legs.
Talks: They can growl or bark or even coo and cluck when interacting with their young.


Eats : Small bugs such as flies, crickets and mealworms. They use their tongue to catch them.
Sleeps: They like to crawl into small spaces when they rest, tree bark or crevices in walls. Some geckos don't have eyelids so they sleep with their eyes open!
Moves: Gecko's have microscopic hairs on their feet which make them 'sticky' allowing the gecko to walk up walls and on ceilings. 
Talks: Geckos make a range of sounds including barks, churps and clicks.


Eats: Mainly different kinds of fish using their bottle shaped beaks
Sleeps: Usually on the surface of the water, staying very still. They need to be able to breathe so they need to be near the surface.
Moves: They arch their backs to move their 'fluke' (fin) up and down, creating momentum in the water.
Talks: Clicks and whistles are most associated with dolphins as well as echolocation.


Eats : A whole range of insects using their long sticky tongue.
Sleeps: Likes to hibernate in winter under piles of leaves and is most active at night. Frogs can breathe through their skin and their mouth so they can rest in or out of water.
Moves: Leap frogs! Frogs jump using their strong back legs.
Talks: We all associate croaking with frogs but they can make a range of sounds including whistle, ribbit, peep, cluck, bark and grunt.


Eats : Meerkats eat plants and animals using their front paws.
Sleeps: They sleep underground in burrows whilst one or two of the mob keep watch.
Moves: Meerkats have an iconic stance on their back legs, straight back, head up when keeping a look out for predators. 
Talks: Meerkats chatter when they're nervous, and squeal when in danger. They also purr when they are content and happy.






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