Print out both sheets of animals (make sure your printer isn't set to double-sided printing!)
Cut along all of the dotted lines to form 16 individual cards. You should have 2 cards of each animal.
To play: Shuffle the cards and turn them all face down. It doesn't have to be a grid like this, any order will do! Then simply take it in turns to flip over 2 cards to see if they are a pair. If you don't find one, then it is the next player's go.
If you do find a pair take remove them from play and keep hold of them until there are no more pairs left to find.
Then count up how many pairs you have, the player with the most pairs wins. The trick is to try and remember where the animals are each time a card is turned over.
Can you think of any other games to play with them? Or maybe even make up your own, we'd love to know if you do. And don't forget to share your fun by tagging us #thebwbproject on social media or drop us a line at