Help keep us open...please. This isn't easy to ask but we need you!

Help keep us open...please. This isn't easy to ask but we need you!

Help keep us open...please. This isn't easy to ask but we need you!

  Donate to keep us afloat at


Ko-fi link

Ko-fi is a platform where you can buy me a virtual coffee (basically a donation but for the price of your average latte) 
This is extremely difficult for me to put out there...but I need your help in order to stay open for business when life resumes to something close to normal.
I've temporarily stopped trading to limit going out to ship orders at the post office as well as now being full time carer to our son at home, it's just too much to manage. So I have no income apart from the odd Amazon order which are few and far between right now.
As a limited company of one director I currently fall between the cracks of the government support schemes. And in all honesty I am yet to pay myself a penny, all funds are reinvested into the business. This leaves me in a very tricky spot as I have bills to pay to keep the business afloat. I've worked so hard for three years to single handedly build the business from scratch so I am damned if this virus will wipe it out! 
I'm trying to supply at least 2 pieces of great content for you and your little ones each week. Completely free to download and enjoy! I am LOVING doing this for you and I am loving seeing people using them and enjoying them. It's honestly very humbling and I am glad I can help parents out right now.
Here's where you can help. If you too enjoy the content and you are in a position to, I would be more than grateful if you could spare a little change to try and keep me going for a few weeks until I can ship orders again.
Ko-fi is a platform where you can buy me a virtual coffee (basically a donation but for the price of your average latte) 
I just require a small amount to cover subscriptions to things like Shopify who power my site and keeps me online.
Anything more than the cost of my bills will be donated to charity. I promise I won't take more than I need.
Thank you for reading this and for your support.
Ruth xo



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