Southeast Asia animal masks make
Here's the second instalment of our popular animal masks to download and make at home. Simply print them out, stick them onto some cardboard like a cereal packet or similar and attach a stick or some ribbon to wear!
This craft session is designed to be done with supervision of an adult.
What you'll need:
• Scissors
• Some thin cardboard - such as a cereal box
• Some glue
• Some sticky tape
• A small blob of blue tack or playdough
• Some string or ribbon / stick from the garden or extra strip of card
• A sharp pencil
• Optional - colouring crayons
Don't forget to share!
We'd really love to see your creations so do send us your photos at or tag them on any social media platform with the hashtag #thebwbproject
Children should be supervised during the making of these masks and during use if you are using anything that could slip around their neck such as string.
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