free baby flash card download

free baby flash card download

free baby flash card download
Ok, so I have this over in the other blog...the more newsy one about general business happenings. But I realise it probably makes more sense to have it in here too!
You can read all of the info in the original post by clicking here but here's a quick overview and the link to download the 5 free black and white baby flash cards here too. 
**UPDATE** you can get another set of FREE black and white baby high contrast flash cards in this new post here!!
All you have to do is print out the 5 pages, cut them out, fold and stick the two sides together to make a double-sided cards and voila! 
As well as being great for newborn baby development, and your new frazzled mum/dad brain, I wanted them to last longer than the average baby toy. So by adding the action or question it means older children can find enjoyment too thinking of all the similarities and differences between us and our animal friends. So more than baby development flash cards, they are animal fact cards for kids!

click here to download your free flash cards now


flash cards to download



Here's some handy hints at what you can use the flash cards for but really your imagination is the only limit! We'd love to hear how you use them in your own play.


flash card infographic

download flash card infographic (A4 size)



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